Monday, August 2, 2010

A Different Summer

Delhi's infrastructure is really in a bad shape--- with the COmmonwealth Games on the anvil --- any improvement in the facilities in the city can only be evaluated once the games are over.

The city's growth is converting vast portions of it into a gigantic slum. This is the sign of looming urban disaster.
Indian cities are due to become megalopolises due to the country's population explosion. However unless these cities are planned carefully --- the quality of life for the ordinary residents keeps plunging new depths in mediocrity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your blog was the first gay blog I ever read. it was a long time ago, I guess it was 2006 and i must say coming from a much smaller city than delhi your blog gave me a lot of exposure and i learned a few things. it was a fun read and full of masala. it has been 4 years now and i just thought of you and if you still write and started reading again. anyways i was reading one of your posts and i was surprised to learn that you are not out to your family? so are you still in the closet? its kind of surprising like your blog was very modern and you wrote of parties and rich people i always thought you would be out.