Saturday, April 3, 2010

Womens' Rights And Gay Rights

Its my strong feeling that only societies which accord rights to women can accord rights to their gay citizens as well .

Patriarchy has always treated the woman and her body as the property of masculinity. Only when women are themselves accorded rights can male homosexuals be liberated from the straitjacket that a patriarchical society imposes upon them in terms of behaviour which is acceptable and unacceptable.

As far as India is concerned , a country which lives in several states of mind can experience only fitful progress. Change in the Indian context is a glacial process , which demands patience and the ability to deal with constraints and yet not be held hostage by them

I am making my peace with India as a society i live in now .. Its been incredibly hard for me to do so ... but its essential for me to be at peace within. Only when a person is at peace within can he face the challenges external to his being.