Sunday, July 6, 2014

time to move to twitter?

i dont think many people follow this blog anymore, i guess i dont write much here anyway . is it time to move to twitter , wherein i can post when and where i have the time?

Please let me know via your comments here or via Facebook/Linkedin in case you personally know me!


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

A new government in india

we have a new government in India --- its not good news as a gay person. Economically things may look up though.

its like many things about being gay in india , many things are bitter sweet -- you scent a surreal fragrance in the air but still have to deal with the taste of ashes in your mouth.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Love lost....

The need for sex is physical
but the need for love is metaphysical..

love lost leaves a void in one's life
a gnawing emptiness seems overwhelming

but tomorrow is another day
and each painful fall
sends us on a new journey
and teaches us more about that which matters.


Sunday, April 20, 2014

Elections in India

the last month in india has seen elections in process. I think the entire system is a bit of a joke. The structure of the indian state sees the entire tax burden placed on the middle classes but the rich hardly pay anything and the poor get handouts to vote in favour of cerntain political parties.

The country needs all persavive reform spanning every sector of the the government and the economy. The question is will those changes ever come?

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Witnessing a Magical moment--- in Copenhagen,Denmark

I am travelling through Europe right and am at present in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Bitterly cold with icy winds lashing the city --- today i witnessed a magical moment.

It happened past midnight on the metro station at islands brygge (Iceland Brygge) near the Copenhagen University.

The platform was mostly empty as i waited for the train to take me to my destination. Two boys moved diffidently into the transparent elevator. They turned and started kissing each other in a subdued manner. Till one of them caught me looking at them through the transparent elevator and withdrew from the other guy. The elevator stood still.

I gave him a big smile and a thumbs-up sign --- and both of them, reassured radiated smiles back.

the elevator moved --- and they were gone , looking down at me.. my train came and i left...

i thought as i walked back to my place of residence in the icy,dark wind-swept night --- these are the moments which lace our life with meaning , where we connect transcending the many boundaries both real and imagined our world encases us in. Sometimes they dont matter anymore , and in one magical moment we realise our own humanity. That which enables us to connect to another --- and renew them and ourselves ---- and then move on our paths again --- towards our worlds.

Next week, i am back in my world in India -- just 8 flight hours from Europe but it might be as well in another era a world away.
-- Jalaj Vaivaswat

Monday, January 20, 2014

Losing your Job can mean new beginnings in Life

I lost my job a few days back -- got fired over the phone from 22,000 km away.

does life end?

No, there are always new twists and turns -- depends what we make of them.. isnt it?

What do you think ?