Monday, January 20, 2014

Losing your Job can mean new beginnings in Life

I lost my job a few days back -- got fired over the phone from 22,000 km away.

does life end?

No, there are always new twists and turns -- depends what we make of them.. isnt it?

What do you think ?



Anonymous said...

Life never ends until we exist.
Though the wisdom of seeing things in a bigger perspective while being at the centre of it, is a big feat to accomplish :)


VJ said...


This is VJ! How are you? It's been several years since we met in Hyderabad.

I tried emailing you but it bounced back :( Please contact me back if you feel like it. I have some news to share with you.

Anyway, this video is a response to your post in Feb 2013.

Take care

Jalaj Vaivaswat said...

@anonymous alias AD

agreed!!! but what you say is so difficult to do -- sometimes it needs us to be superhuman.


how are you?? my email id is

what is yours -- email me there so that we can get back in touch.
