Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Observing the ingress of winter

 The mark of winter

The early sunset, that lengthening regress of dawn 

the creeping onward march of darkness

all indicates, that winter is neigh

Stay warm, stay safe 

Happiness is in the mind though

May this winter , bring glad tidings

to me, to you and all our well wishers 

and their loved ones too...

Monday, September 12, 2022

Diversity in this world

 the key observation in this post pertains to the fact that different countries represent different worlds. Man's world changes based which country he is as does his destiny. 

different countries have different challenges, the key to being happy in any given environment is to focus on your core beliefs, define your goals and then work to successfully achieve them.

Remember as the song says "In the end, it doesnt even matter!"

Friday, May 20, 2022

Impressions of foreign countries are often fake, and do not survive first contact with reality....

 its very easy  to get deluded by how a country is portayed internatiobnally. the reality, may be very very different!

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Bye Bye India , Hello Canada

I have moved to Canada. I dont have a job so looking for one. Hopefully this country will allow me to write a lot more... . No friends here, but being part of a "visible minority" i guess that will take time!