Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Long Weekend

The job hunt is enabling me to reconnect with people i knew ages back professionally. I am really struck by the way people evaluate each other .. How much money is he/she earning ? is he/she in a position wherein he can help me / be of use to me in the future ?

Its interesting to see how career oriented and ruthlessly competitive the entire system is. Opportunism clothed in principle and hoary objectives is always the key.

Another important thing is networking ... If you want to succeed in your career , you MUST network effectively. The best jobs never get advertised and the key to learning about them is to to have a pig's ability to ferret out truffles.

One interesting meeting was with an ex-colleague who thanks to her manipulative abilities , family connections and icy focus on her career goals is doing , in her "own words- so much more better than me!" . This lady was romantically interested in me when we were colleagues , but being gay i obviously wasnt interested. Since i couldnt tell her that i was gay and hence not interested , I fobbed her off with excuses. She still bears a grudge against me it seemed . She took great joy in informing me that she had got married two months back and was expecting a reaction from me. I had nothing to say except offer warm congratulations which only seemed to irritate her ..

Ah the crosses one has to bear when one is not free to be true to one's self --- Wish i was in a city like London , free to be what i really am. But then , if wishes were horses beggars would ride :-). So one stays in India, the facades remain and the storyline continues.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Movies seen

I saw the following movies recently :

My Name is Khan
Three Idiots

They were better than the usual lot but not extraordinary.

I saw the British BBC soap Eastenders on the internet recently , particularly interesting was their gay plot involving a muslim and englishman respectively. Somehow the plot seemed to confirm to the typical traditional stereotypes a bit. But the story is good and the actors are good to look at , ( Just their faces and nothing else i Promise :-) )

Friday, February 12, 2010

had an interview the other day .... the lady who interviewed me was very nice BUT i was so damn tired since i had been working late the previous night that i am afraid i have messed it up.. this when my present job is really unbearable ...

when the hell am i going to be happy in life ?

ok , lets change the topic -- i saw some television programs recently. I rarely watch TV since i get my news from the internet , but news channels can be interesting at times.

One topic which indian channels seem to love is comparing India and China. In my opinion , this is a rather cliched topic. These are two very different countries which are dissimilar in almost every way. Similarities might be their huge population and the "developing" status which these two countries supposedly share.

I havent visited China but i do have a chinese friend who works in my employer's chinese offices. Interacting with her has taught me a lot about china that someone who just knows about china from media reports wouldnt be aware of .

From her description , China comes across as a diverse country ( 56 nationalities!) but it also has a dominant mainstream culture.The Chinese history is that of centralised rule by empires and emperors. Just one Empress in 5000 years of Chinese history!Neighbours were usually considered barbarians and absorbed into the empire via war , trade and cultural influences. The nation has been conquered by foreign "barbarians" several times in its history but no invasion has been able to change its fundamental character and sense of mission. Strong central rule , and absorption of neighbouring countries has led to China growing bigger and bigger under each empire. The march of China has only been stopped by natural barriers like the sea or by determined opponents who have fought chinese armies to a standstill.Today China borders India over a vast and undemarcated border. It is a recipe for trouble but that depends on the way it is handled.

In my opinion , India can hold its own vis-a-vis China only if it develops its economic strength and achieves political cohesiveness.To maintain peace and co-operation a balance of power is necessary. China is poised to keep growing due to its policies and resources and India better keep up if it wants to be of any consequence in Chinese eyes.